2020 events
Our last BACnet User Group meeting was on October 8, 2020 at at Cimetrics' new office and manufacturing facility in Greenville, NH. Please subscribe to our forum for the announcements of future meetings.
The purpose of the BACnet User Group is to bring together the local BACnet user community twice a year to share tips, techniques, and pains on the use of the BACnet products and technologies. Please forward this email to anyone who might benefit from our meetings.
Our presenter was Jim Lee - CEO of Cimetrics
Managing secure BACnet systems
Abstract: With the recent release of BACnet/SC, the industry's focus is now on building on top of the SC transport layer to create a holistic framework that can fully manage all BACnet devices and systems to satisfy tomorrow's cybersecurity requirements. This talk will outline collaborative industry activity under way to address the needs of BAS industry as well as our new audience, IT organizations.Don't forget to register - here is the agenda. You are always welcome to come earlier and leave later:
3.00 pm - 4.00 pm - Dinner and networking.
4.00 pm - 5.00 pm - BACnet presentations & discussions.
5.00 pm - 6.00 pm - Networking and Discussions.